Preparing for your Surgery
Know your surgery date
- Complete registration paperwork for pre-surgical screening provided by our office
- Instruction letter from NWNY
- Information about pre-Admission testing (PAT)
- Keep appointments for medical clearance as needed
- Go to pre-surgical screening appointment. You will receive a call from the pre-surgical department approximately 1-2 weeks prior to your surgery date to schedule your appointment
- Be prepared to answer questions
- Surgeon’s Name
- Date and type of surgery
- Health history and surgeries
- ALL medications, dosage and how often taken
- Pharmacy phone numbers
- Bring with you
- Insurance cards
- Health care proxy or living will (if you have one)
- 2-page surgical pre admission form
- Anticipate appointment to last 60 to 90 minutes. You may eat, drink, and take routine medications
- Services provided at pre-surgical screening
- Blood work
- Health screening history
- Pre-surgical education
- Be prepared to answer questions
- Stop all anti-inflammatory medications as instructed
- Do not take aspirin or NSAID’S (Advil, Motrin, Aleve, ibuprofen, naproxen) 10 days prior to surgery
- If you have questions or concern contact NWNY
- Prepare your home
- Be ready to come home from the hospital
- Clean, do laundry and put it away
- Place clean linen on the bed
- Prepare meals, make arrangement for meals
- Make arrangements for transportation—you will not be able to drive after surgery
- Make arrangements for yard work or snow removal
- Pick up throw rugs and secure loose carpeting
- Remove electrical cords and other obstructions
- Install night-lights in bathrooms and hallways
- Arrange for someone to take care of loved ones and pets
- Pack for your hospital stay
- Insurance cards
- Advanced directive
- List of Medications
- Personal hygiene items
- Glasses if needed, you will not be able to wear contact lens for surgery
- Loose fitting pajamas, shorts with elastic waistband, loose underwear shirts, a pair of walking shoes
- Cell phone or electronic device if desired (Wi-Fi available)
- Know the arrival time for your surgery. Confirm time of surgery the day prior.
- Do NOT eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your surgery. Do not chew gum or eat mints.